The 4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPSIoT’23) successfully over!
On 9th of June, 2023, the 4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPSIoT’23) has officially...
This author hasn't written their bio yet.
Matija Stojanović has contributed 22 entries to our website, so far.
On 9th of June, 2023, the 4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPSIoT’23) has officially...
On 9th of June, 2023, the final day of the MECO&CPSIoT 2023 Conference has officially ended! MECO&CPSIoT’23 Conference was held...
We’re proud to inform you that another year of MECO events has been successfully finished! Everything went well. The completion...
It is our honor to inform all the published authors as well as the interested public that the MECO&CPSIoT2022 Conference...
The data says it all: statistics Accepted papers: 160 MECO: 134 CPSIoT: 26 Authors: 580 Participating countries: 46 Participating Universities/Institutions:...
Because of global particularities, received requests, especially from the students, and being aware of the nuisances caused by COVID...
Because of many received requests, especially from the students, and being aware of the nuisances caused by COVID 19 worldwide,...
Due to raised academic interest as well as the nuisances caused by the COVID19 virus and the holiday season, the...
It’s our honor to inform all of our participants that the MECO’2022 conference, alongside the associated events had officially been...
Following the elaborate application and review processes, we have finally reached a draft version of the MECO&CPSIoT ‘2o21 conference programme!...