Projects presented at MECO 2024
Maritime Cybersecurity Centre and European Research Area – MariCybERA
ARtificial intelligence platform to prevent Climate change natural hazArds – ARCA
Exploring green energy transition potential in Montenegrin transport system
About dissemination on MECO Events
An action on projects dissemination within MECO and CPSIoT conferences as well as on SS-CPSIoT Summer conferences has become very popular over the years. It is a unique opportunity to network with key people working in Embedded Computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things and General Computing. A large number of future projects, scholarships, employment, joint publications arose from initial acquaintances during the MECO events.
We had the honor of promoting a large number of projects from different schemes (H2020, Erasmus+, IPA, COST, Regional, National Company based) including: SMART4ALL, HiPEAC, TETRAMAX, AXIOM, ELEMEND, VIRAL, SI4SEC, AI4NEUROPCC, BioICT, ECESM, BioEMIS, FitOptiVis, PLAN-V, OPERA, ECOMON, InFoCPS, CS-ICT, AQUAS, EUGAIN, CPSoSAWARE, WIMB, InFoCPS, MARDS, ForeMONT, MArED, SINC@HE, ANDANTE: AI for New devices and Technologies at the Edge (876925) and many others.
MECO project dissemination options:
MECO project dissemination #1:
- Half-day Workshop or Special Session: PRICE 2700 EUR, including VAT
- Half day slot for Project Workshop Associated to MECO events.
- Pre-Workshop dissemination on our websites ( , , )
- On-Workshop presentation of dissemination material (having a place for dissemination (table, multimedia, roll-up…) all duration of the conference, can be included in your internal Agenda as project event.
- On-Workshop work (according to the submitted Agenda), half-day.
- On-Workshop presentation support for 2 organizing persons in 1 day (meals, breaks)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (Article about project included in Conference Proceedings)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (1 page Article about Project in WIPIEC Journal), if accepted after review, not obligatory to send.
MECO project dissemination #2:
- 30:45min Special Session/Presentation: PRICE 1150 EUR, including VAT
- 30:45 min slot for Project Workshop Associated to MECO events.
- Pre-Workshop dissemination on our websites ( , , )
- On-Workshop presentation of dissemination material (having a place for dissemination (table, multimedia, roll-up…) all duration of the conference. Can be included in your internal Agenda as project Event.
- On-Workshop work (according to the submitted Agenda), half-day.
- On-Workshop presentation support for 2 organizing persons in 1 day (meals, breaks)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (Article about project included in Conference Proceedings)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (1 page Article about Project in WIPIEC Journal), if accepted after review, not obligatory to send.
MECO project dissemination #3:
- 30min Project Presentation within MECO Project Dissemination Session: PRICE 900 EUR, including VAT
- 20min slot for MECO Project Dissemination Session.
- Pre-Workshop dissemination on our websites ( , , )
- On-Workshop presentation of dissemination material (sharing a place for dissemination (sharing table, multimedia, roll-up…) all duration of the conference. Can be included in your internal Agenda as project Event.
- On-Workshop presentation support for 1 organizing persons in 1 day (meals, breaks)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (Article about project included in Conference Proceedings)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (1 page Article about Project in WIPIEC Journal), if accepted after review, not obligatory to send.
MECO project dissemination #4:
- 30min Project Presentation within MECO Project Dissemination Session: PRICE 800 EUR, including VAT
- 20min slot for MECO Project Dissemination Session.
- Pre-Workshop dissemination on our web-sites ( )
- On-Workshop presentation of dissemination material (in room sharing during presentation, roll-up during presentation…).
- On-Workshop presentation support for 1 organizing persons in 1 day (meals, breaks)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (Article about project included in Conference Proceedings).
- Post-Workshop dissemination (1 page Article about Project in WIPIEC Journal), if accepted after review, not obligatory to send.
MECO project dissemination #5:
- Negotiable programme with organization (as example if you want to organize specific project event associated with MECO events, dependable on duration): PRICE: Subject to negotiation
- Events and sessions organized within multiple days
- On-Workshop presentation of dissemination material (having a place for dissemination (table, multimedia, roll-up…) all duration of the conference, can be included in your internal Agenda as project event.
- On-Workshop work (according to the submitted Agenda).
- On-Workshop presentation support for organizing persons (meals, breaks)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (Article about project included in Conference Proceedings)
- Post-Workshop dissemination (1 page Article about Project in WIPIEC Journal), if accepted after review, not obligatory to send.
Registration, invoicing and payment are in accordance with MECO registration
How to apply for Project Dissemination
- Fill in The Project Dissemination Form (obligatory) and Project Info Article and send it to by subject “MECO 2025 Project Dissemination – XXXX (code of the project)”.
The same files can be sent to Chairman of the MECO Session within you want to disseminate the project. - After receiving the acceptance of submission, you will be included in regular MECO participants and follow correspondences.
For any additional info pls. contact with subject MECO 2025 Project Dissemination – XXXX
Template for submitting a project dissemination (pls. send it to with subject “Project Dissemination – Name of the project”
You can access the gallery for previous project disseminations here.
Projects presented at MECO’2023
Note: Views, values, ideas and opinions expressed are always those of the author(s)/project or product disseminators only and do not necessarily reflect those of the MECO Conference.

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