How to register and pay registration fees?
- Read registration fee amounts, discounts and deadlines
- Read Terms and Conditions on registration
- Read Payment Methods
Registration procedure
- Submit your paper in the proper Template via Easy Chair.
- Wait decision about acceptance/rejection.
- Upon the first information about acceptance of your paper, regardless of whether corrections were requested or not, fill out the Registration forms available here.
- If one author registers for several papers, then the same Registration Form must be uploaded in the field of each paper.
- You will receive Invoice (or Pro-Invoice) according to your registration status and achieved benefits.
- After the payment (using Bank Transfer or On-line method) you will receive Final Invoice.
- The continuation of the procedure follows in terms of paper presentation and publishing.
Registration fees (MECO, CPSIoT)
MECO fees are appropriate and moderate, both for senior researchers and all categories of students.
As a hybrid conference we offer both in venue and on-line attendance. Fees below are categorized by method of attendance.
Early Bird Registration (until May 1st, 2025)
- Full: 670 EUR in venue; 550 EUR on-line
- Student: 540EUR in venue; 440 EUR on-line
- Passive: 350 EUR in venue; 250 EUR on-line
- Passive with publication in International journal (referred in numerous international databases, not in SCOPUS or SCI), see example of publication. 420 EUR in venue; 200 EUR on-line
- Additional registration for Summer School on CPSIoT (only for the registered MECO’2025 authors): 200 EURO
Extra pages (> 4) are the subject to additional fee charges!
Late Registration (after May 1st ,2025)
- Full: 750 EUR in venue; 600 EUR on-line
- Student: 590 EUR in venue; 490 EUR on-line
- Passive: 400 EUR in venue; 275 EUR on-line
- Passive with publication in International journal (referred in numerous international databases, not in SCOPUS or SCI), see example of publication. 450 EUR in venue; 250 EUR on-line
- Additional registration for Summer School on CPSIoT (only for the registered MECO’2025 authors): 250 EURO
Extra pages (> 4) are the subject to additional fee charges!
Project dissemination:
The authors have opportunity to pay their registration through the project dissemination registration. For more information, please refer to this page.
Fee conditions
In-venue registrations include support in the submission process, reviewing, communication, presentation, pre-conference publishing, after-conference publishing, lunches, and brakes on-spot during the working part of the conference, Welcome.
On-line registrations include support in the submission process, reviewing, communication, presentation, pre-conference publishing, and after-conference publishing.
Traditional, group and institutional participants have loyalty discounts.
Passive fees apply for Works in Progress Sessions.
Special Session Organisers have discount on registration fees. If Session is of >=6 papers then Session organizer has free of charge registration for his/her paper.
Gala dinner and excursion are subject of additional ticketing in very economical prices depending on sponsorship situation.
The 2nd paper register by the same author has 35% reduction in above price.
In all prices VAT (21%) is included.
A commercial invoice is issued.
Sponsorship registration is reduced by additional 12% on all the above prices. In this case, the sponsorship certificate is issued instead commercial invoice.
- MECO is a low budget event, aimed to encourage participation of young scientists and colleagues from developing countries, without diminishing its quality.
- MECO events maintain a very high standard and a strong double reviewing process.
- MECO engages outstanding keynotes speakers including Nobel prize-winners as well as other members of research and academic community.
- One registration is valid for one paper.
- Traditional participants, students, authors of several papers, participants from developing countries, and participants coming from the institutions that contribute to conference as co-organiser can achieve a discount.
- Also, the authors that helped in reviewing process are a subject of a discount.
- In the case the situation with the COVID pandemic doesn’t get better by the time conference is held, a general discount will be provided.
- All papers will be reviewed and those who have been positively reviewed and accepted will be published (in digital form) in Conference Proceedings.
- Full papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, WoS;
- Demo papers will be published in Proceedings covered by Google Scholar and Research Gate.
- If the registrations paid is paid MECOnet (commercially) it will include VAT a proper company-type invoice will be issued.
- If the participants choses to proceed via MANT his payment will be considered as sponsorship/donation to the cause and a corresponding receipt will be issued.
- In order to avoid hyper-publishing and hyper-authorship, one person can be an author or a co-author in 3 papers maximum per Workshop.
- One author can register 2 papers maximum. In this case, a discount will be provided for the 2nd paper. A 3rd paper is not subjected to a discount.
- Institutional or group payment (for more than 5 papers) is subjected to negotiation with the organizers.
- To calculate your fee and to pay registration, or to ask for group invoice, discount or to clarify any issue regarding payment please go to the MECO and CPSIoT fees calculator
Legal notice & Rules
- The registration fee covers: logistics support for paper submission, logistics support for registration, logistic support for presentation, logistic support for in-venue and on-line participation, reviewing process including technical and scientific aspects, financial management (invoicing etc..), logistic support for publishing in Conference Proceedings and for applying for inclusion in scientific database, conference set, 3 lunches during conferences, break refreshments, social events organized by organizer.
- One registration is valid for one paper
- One full author can be register for maximum two full papers. In case registered for two papers, the 1st paper is subject of full registration and 2nd one of reduced one (see MECO fees Calculator).
- One student author can be registered for only one student paper.
- Registration considers 4 pages papers. Each addition page (up to 8) is subject of addition paying.
- If a paper is accepted, and regularly finished by the author in the final version in addition to having all the necessary files and documents submitted to Organizer by the author, and if such paper is printed in the Conference Proceedings, the obligation of the Organizer is fulfilled, and the the Organizer has no obligation to refund money to the author for no reason whatsoever.
- The organiser does not guarantee that papers from proceedings will be included in IEEEXplore database. The organiser will submit material for inclusion and IEEE will do an additional review and quality estimation as to the inclusion in their Xplore database. Up to now all material from MECO was included in SCOPUS and similar data bases and some years in WoS. We will submit the material for inclusion, but we can not guarantee the inclusion in these or similar databases, for the final decision as to whether something shall be included is retained by the respective databases.
- Each author bears responsibility for the final version of the paper he submits for publication, which includes but is not limited to: page count, alignment to manuscript template in all aspects and contents of the research paper provided including the originality of the paper submitted and its contents, both before and after the publication of proceedings.
- The services described in point 1 are given in Montenegro as well as conference is taking place in Montenegro, primarily in venue form. Thus VAT should be paid according to Montenegrin law.
- In case paying via MECOnet you will get invoice with VAT included.
- In case of paying via MANT (NGO) your payment will be considered as voluntary donation, and you will receive adequate receipt (not VAT invoice). In this case you will have additional discount of 10%.
- No refunding policy in case you canceled participation (COVID, illness, force majure, personal reasons, visa refused etc..), non-presence in-venue or changing your status from in-venue to on-line (remote) or vice-versa.
- The organizers of conference are not responsible for post-conference review of the material submitted to databases.
- Accommodation is your obligation. The organizer only recommends affordable accommodation options. Travel is your obligation.
- You must act in accordance with the laws which will be in force in Montenegro at the time of the conference (COVID measures, entrance measures, other measures…).
- Views, values, ideas and opinions expressed are always those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the MECO Conference.
- By paying the registration it is considered that the author read and accepted these rules.
Ways of payment
There are 2 ways to pay registration fees for all events. If you want to pay directly, prior receiving pro-invoice, you should register and inform us about details of payment (reference number etc.)
Via MECOnet d.o.o. by:
- BANK TRANSFER PAYMENT (SWIFT), instructions bellow
IBAN: ME25510000000009839332
Beneficiary Bank, Swift
Markovic, presenter (or attendee )
(Ziro Racun)
If you pay via MECOnet using one of the above ways, you will receive company invoice with VAT included.
Via MANT Association by:
- BANK TRANSFER PAYMENT (SWIFT), instructions bellow
Payment from abroad:
Beneficiary and Account
IBAN: ME25 5401 1000 2361 0871 65
Beneficiary Bank, Swift
ERSTE BANK AG, Podgorica
From Montenergro:
By “priznanica” or bank transfer to:
Z.R: 540-4835-93, ERSTE BANK AG Podgorica
Svrha: MECO’2025 Clanarina za rad 34
If you pay via MANT you will have additional discount of 10% and receive receipt of your contribution (voluntary MECO membership fee, donation contribution, NOT VAT invoice)

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