10-14 June 2025, Budva , Montenegro
6th Annual Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things
CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School Program will be composed of four days of lectures, demonstrations, practical hands-on sessions, and discussions, as well as free participation in CPSIoT 2025 and MECO 2025 sessions. The topics of the lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions cover several major CPS applications (focusing on modern mobile applications that require high-performance or low energy consumption, as well as high reliability, security and safety), computing technology for modern CPS, CPS architectures, development problems and solutions, as well as design methodologies and design tools for CPS. Detailed list of the CPS&IoT’2025 Presentations including the names of their authors and presenters will be provided in the Schedule of the CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School. To stimulate interaction between lecturers and participants, only a limited number of participants will be admitted.
CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School is the sixth and annual edition series of schools started with a very successful CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School and continued with the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School and CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School as well as CPS&IoT 2023 and 2024 Summer School.
It aims at serving the following main purposes:
- Advanced training of industrial and academic researchers, developers, engineers and decision-makers; academic teachers, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students; entrepreneurs, investors, research funding agents, and policy makers; and other participants who want to learn about CPS and IoT engineering.
- Dissemination, exchange and discussion of advanced knowledge and project results from numerous R&D projects in CPS and IoT.
- Promotion and facilitation of international contacts and collaboration among people working or interested in the CPS and IoT area.
Distinguishing features of this advanced Summer School are that its lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions will be given by top European specialists in particular CPS and IoT fields from industry and academia and will deliver very fresh advanced knowledge. They are based on results from numerous currently running or recently finished European R&D projects in CPS and IoT, what gives an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with issues and challenges of CPS and IoT development; actual industrial problems, designs and case studies; and new concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in the European R&D projects.
You are encouraged to participate in this very special event that gives a unique opportunity to interact with outstanding specialists in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT), and to get acquainted with huge opportunities and impact of CPS and IoT, serious issues and challenges of their development, as well as, newest concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in numerous ongoing and recently finished European R&D projects in CPS and IoT. The Summer School is possible thanks to involvement of many outstanding researchers and developers from several European projects and countries.
Previous Summer School editions were fully co-organized with SMART4ALL Project. Self-sustained customized cyber-physical system experiments for capacity building among European stakeholders (SMART4ALL), a four-year flagship EU project under the call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere for connecting Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe. The SMART4ALL consortium consists of 25 European partners with interdisciplinary skills and know-how from universities, research institutes, investors, networking organizations, SMEs, Innovation Hubs and NGOs.
The project built capacity (via Open Calls) amongst European stakeholders through the development of self-sustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targeted CLEC (Customized low energy computing) CPS/IoT and combined a set of unique characteristics that joined together different cultures, policies, geographical areas and application domains under a common vision.
- Digitized transportation,
- Digitized agriculture,
- Digitized environment
- Digitized health with emphasis to COVID-19 pandemic
- Digitized anything
- SMART anything everywhere
ECTS equivalent = 3 ECTS
CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School is collocated with:
- CPS&IoT’2025 Conference – the 13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things and
- MECO’2025 Conference – the 14th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing.
- The registration to CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School entitles to free participation in CPS&IoT’2025 Conference and MECO’2025 Conference sessions. The Summer School participants are encouraged to submit their papers to the CPS&IoT’2025 Conference and MECO’2025 Conference.
The school is open to everybody, but previous knowledge or equivalent practical experience at least at the Bachelor level in engineering (e.g. system, computer, electronic, electrical, automotive, aviation, mechanical, or industrial engineering), computer science, informatics, applied physics or similar is recommended.
Industrial Participation is encouraged. The Summer School is not only to disseminate R&D results or follow courses and learn new knowledge on CPS and IoT from top professionals, but to meet people, interact and discuss with outstanding researchers, developers, academic lecturers, advanced students, and other participants, collaborate or start collaborations, and meet many talented people who may become employees of your companies as well.
Submission and Registration
Submit your application SUBMIT VIA EASY CHAIRRegistration fees (SS-CPCIoT)
MECO fees are appropriate and moderate, both for senior researchers and all categories of the students.
As a hybrid conference we offer both in venue and on-line attendance. Fees are categorized by method of attendance.
Regular registration for Summer School on CPSIoT (before May 15, 2025)
• FULL: 650 EUR in venue, 500 EUR on-line
• STUDENT: 550 EUR in venue, 450 EUR on-line
• TUTORIAL AUTHOR/PRESENTER: 450 EUR in venue, 400 EUR on-line
Fee for publishing paper in the Proceedings of the CPS&IoT’2025 Conference or MECO’2025 Conference (only for the registered CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School Participants): 200 Euro*
Late registration for Summer School on CPSIoT (after May 15, 2025)
• FULL: 800 EUR in venue, 650 EUR on-line
• STUDENT: 650 EUR in venue, 550 EUR on-line
• TUTORIAL AUTHOR/PRESENTER: 500 EUR in venue, 450 EUR on-line
Fee for publishing paper in the Proceedings of the CPS&IoT’2025 Conference or MECO’2025 Conference (only for the registered CPS&IoT’2025 Summer School Participants): 250 Euro*
You can issue your payment via MECOnet online payment system on the following link (for credit card payments).
Other Payment Methods
Registration conditions
In -venue registrations include in-venue access to Summer School lectures and MECO conference events, support in the submission process, reviewing, communication, presentation, after-conference publishing, lunches, welcome dinner, on-spot brakes during the working part of the summer school.
On-line registrations include on-line access Summer School lectures and to all MECO conference events, support in the submission process, reviewing, communication, presentation, and after-conference publishing.
*Traditional additional charges apply as to regular submissions.
All prices listed above include VAT.
The parties who pay via SWIFT are obliged to cover the complete expenses of the payment service. In case of paying via “shared costs” the party will be obliged to additionally pay-up the remnant.
Because of our no-refund policy, in case you are unsure of whether you will attend in person or online, we advice you pay the online fee. In case you afterwards decide to attend in person, you can always pay-up the cost difference in person once you physically arrive to the Conference.
Sponsorship registration is reduced by additional 12% on all the above prices. In this case, the sponsorship certificate is issued instead commercial invoice.
Programme 2025
General Concept:
- Introduction
- Green CPS and IoT
- Processor, accelerator, software and communication technologies for CPS and IoT
- Machine Learning and Edge Computing
- Modelling, simulation, design and implementation of CPS and IoT
- Trustworthy CPS and IoT: security, reliability and safety
- Effective and energy efficient computing for CPS and IoT
CPSandIoT’2025 Summer School Schedule PDF
Lecturers 2025:
- Wolfgang Ecker, Infineon and TU Munich, DE
- Lech Jóźwiak, TU/e, NL
- Natalie Simson, Infineon, DE
- Reiner John, AVL, AT
- Said Hamdioui, TU Delft, NL
- Iryna De Albuquerque Silva, CEA, FR
- Nabil Abdennadher, Univ. of Applied Sciences, West. Switzerland, CH
- Rakshit Mittal, University of Antwerp, BE
- Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BE
- Joachim Denil, University of Antwerp, BE
- Joeri Exelmans, University of Antwerp, BE
- Dominique Blouin, Telecom Paris,
- Anish Bhobe, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, FR
- Yara Hallak, Telecom Paris, FR
- Samir Ouchani, CESI, FR
- Zakaria Chihani, CEA, FR
- Radovan Stojanovic, University of Montenegro and MECOnet, ME
- Cristian-Joan Perian, TBA
- Danut Rotar, TBA
- Daniel Grosu, TBA
Publications, Programmes, Students, Gallery:
- Proceedings of CPS&IoT2019 (Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things), Editors: Lech Jozwiak and Radovan Stojanovic, Vol I, MECOnet Institute (Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology), June 2019
- Proceedings of the 2nd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, SS-CPSIoT’2021, Editors: Lech Jozwiak and Radovan Stojanović, Vol. II, MECOnet Institute (Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology), June 2021.
- Proceedings of the 3rd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, SS-CPSIoT’2022, Editors: Lech Jozwiak and Radovan Stojanović, Vol. III, MECOnet Institute (Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology), June 2022.
- Proceedings of the 4th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, Vol. IV, 2023, Editors: Lech Jóźwiak and Radovan Stojanovic; MECOnet Institute (Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology), June 2023.
- Proceedings of the 5th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, Vol. V, June 2024.
Editors: Lech Jóźwiak; Radovan Stojanovic, 2024, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12608092
Previous Programmes:
Previous lecturers:
Previous students:
Previous Galleries:
- CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School Gallery
- CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School Gallery
- CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School Gallery
- CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School Gallery
- CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School Gallery
Projects highlighted and disseminated at SS-CPSIoT2024
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